Protein or peptide name:MntS
Chromosome:str. K-12 substr. MG1655, complete genome
Protein or peptide start site:852869
Protein or peptide end site:852997
ncRNA start site:852869
ncRNA end site:852997
Genome Browser:NA
Protein or peptide length:42aa
ncRNA type:ncRNA
ncRNA name:mntS
Entrez ID:14678509
Experimental species:Escherichia coli
Experimental techniques:Western blotting
Experimental sample (cell line and/or tissue):E. coli
Description:mntS (formerly the small RNA gene rybA) is repressed by manganese through MntR and encodes an unannotated 42-amino-acid protein.
Subcellular location:NA
Function:Bacteria control intracellular manganese levels by the transcription regulator MntR.
Title of paper:The Escherichia coli MntR miniregulon includes genes encoding a small protein and an efflux pump required for manganese homeostasis
Year of publication:2011